About Us and Contact Details


Passionskills.com is all about how to grow your passion. We’re starting off with the relationships niche, and plan to expand outwards over time.

Our staff have extensive experience in writing, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, coaching, neuro-linguistic programming, software development, database systems, neural networks, teaching, tutoring, and mathematics.

And a few other topics that aren’t yet relevant.

Eventually we’ll get around to building out things like a contact form and chatbot. For now though, you can reach us by emailing us on info@passionskills.com. Do not email us trying to sell us things.

Quite naturally, as adult coaches, we have lots of experience with relationships and dating. Both in going through the process ourselves, and in guiding others through it.

For that reason, you’ll only find content on this site where we have actual, real-life experience and know-how.